you will need to study notebooks, its tabs, how a notebook manages its children (tab names, properties, etc.) to fully understand why it behaves the way it does (your questions) since i am not privy to such details (never needed to know them myself).Âonly being able to reparent once sounds strange to me, this is a question of re-assignment. why there would be a one-time limit sounds a bit strange. perhaps the widget experts out there know something on this? (when you say you are unable, what does that mean exactly? what happens? a message saying you can't reparent a second time?)ÂrichardOn Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Ryan Taylor <ryta1203 gmail com> wrote:
Yes, I have done this and it works, except simply "reparenting" does not save the tab label (for example, before it might be XYZ and after I reparent back to notebook the text is the original page number. I have gotten around this by re-setting the tab label. Also, reparenting does not save the detachable property, again I have to reset this. Should re-parenting be doing this for me?
Also: I seem to be able to only reparent once. For example, if I detach, then re-attach (reparent), then detach again I am unable to re-parent.On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 12:35 AM, richard boaz <ivor boaz gmail com> wrote:hi,connect a callback to the "delete-event" associated with the new window. Â you are keeping track of which tabs are where at any given moment, so when you receive the "delete-event" callback, simply move the tabs found in that window back over to the notebook in the original is a question of intercepting the the widget destroy event on the window before GTK+ has a chance to issue destroy events for all its child widgets.. Â Re-parenting your notebook tabs before they are issued destroy events is key.richardOn Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Ryan Taylor <ryta1203 gmail com> wrote:
_______________________________________________What is the best way to accomplish this?If I take a page from a notebook (a tab from a notebook) and move it, it creates a window.What I want is to take all the pages from the new window and re-insert them into the old notebook when a close event occurs (ie the X exit or File->Close).
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