Re: Routing scroll events in a Gtk.Overlay

GtkWidget::scroll-event, though, is a RUN_LAST signal; it means that
the handlers connected using g_signal_connect() will run before the
class handler. on top of that, neither GtkWidget nor GtkEventBox have
a default class handler, so connecting to the signal is identical to
getting your callback called first.

as for how gtkmm implements a 'before' flag: that's pretty much
impossible if the signal is defined as RUN_FIRST when installed on the
type; RUN_FIRST means that the default class handler is always called
before any signal connected using g_signal_connect(). to avoid that
you'd have to subclass the original class, override the signal
handler, and from the override you would have to call your code before
chaining up.


On 5 June 2014 21:14, Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com> wrote:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Robert Schroll <rschroll gmail com> wrote:

def eb_scroll(widget, event):
   print "Event Box scroll event"
   return True
eb.connect('scroll-event', eb_scroll)

this connects after the default handler, not before it.

i don't know pygtk all that well; in gtkmm (the C++ binding) there is an
optional "before" boolean argument to the connect call to get the handler
connected BEFORE the default handler.

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