Re: introspection

Il giorno gio 20 nov 2014 22:06:15 CET, Daniel Espinosa ha scritto:
I found in your GIR file, it don't detect (for example) confi_new() as a
function of Confi object and it is not introspectable. Also, all functions
are "free" no related to any GObject. Then you haven't provided enough
information to detect namespace and its GObjects.

You should add a prefix, as a namespace, to your object and its functions.
If you have any problem, please let me check if your C code is GObject

Prefix is not for instrospection, is a way allow GI to parse your C code
correctly and generate valid GIR files.

Another way is to use meta information, but I recommend to avoid that. Is
better to use annotations to fix things. But for you, if use metadata, you
should add lot of metainformation.
where can i find a sample? or documentation

in this library it is fairly simple to change functions name because i don't use the library
but i have some other libraries with, i think, the same  
namespace/prefix problem; and these are heavily used in my software,  
so i cannot change functions name


thanks again

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