Re: GTK-doc appears to be missing a struct when generating documentation

Il Fri, 10 Apr 2015 09:15:31 +1200 Koz Ross <koz ross runbox com> scrisse:

I've been trying to get GTK-doc to make documentation for my file, which can be viewed at

Basically, for some reason, the udp_results_s struct (line 70 or so in the file) always seems to be missed 
by GTK-doc. I have tried including a 'dummy' struct, and GTK-doc seems to miss that one also. 

which version of gtk-doc are you using? Old versions were picky on the
syntax because used the /\s*typedef\s+enum\s*({)?.../ regex. You should
strictly follow the following convention:

    typedef enum {
    } enumname;


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