Re: Size of GtkMenu


Dnia 19 luty 2015 o 00:14 "Konstantin P." <ria freelander gmail com>

 Hello. How I can request size change on GtkMenu? gtk_widget_queue_resize()
does not working.
 Let's describe a problem. After user clicked on a button, menu for it will
requested from DBus, I am started asynchronously populate GtkMenu on finish
request. And after population menu becomes will be very small (2-3 menuitems
in height) with 2 arrows on top and bottom (But it is popuated correctly, all
items on places). And will stays the same all its lifetime (before
 But in very rare cases (when populating is very very fast) I can see normal
full menu without an arrows (All 15 items is on screen).
 Is there any way to force menu resize from arrows-version to full version? I
tried gtk_widget_queue_resize(), but it not work.
gtk_widget_queue_resize() may not work because GtkMenu requires
some additional actions, see its static function menu_queue_resize().
But gtk_menu_shell_insert() and similar functions call it correctly
and should be sufficient.

Can you wait for the response from DBus and populate the menu
before it is displayed?

Can you provide the sample code?



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