Re: Outdated win32 bundle

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 9:22 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gmail com> wrote:

The current stance of everyone involved in the Windows backend for
GLib and GTK+ is to stop advertising binary builds for Windows — as we
don't do that for any other platform, and nobody sticks around long
enough to keep doing that or to set up a continuous integration build
for GTK.

Stop advertising == stop supporting?

Developers using the G* core platform libraries on Windows are
strongly encouraged to use the MSYS2 distribution:

Like Git? Ship 200Mb of "additional value" on top? Just for comparison
Mercurial installation is 37Mb compared with 267Mb of Git. And that for
every GTK application?

This will provide you with pre-built packages that are known to work
and maintained. It also allows you to build your own packages on top
of it, and create an installer from the result.

Can GTK be cross-compiled for Windows?

What the GTK team would love, on the other hand, is somebody putting
the effort in setting up and maintaining a continuous integration
service — similar to — for Windows builds.
This way we would be able to catch build regressions after every
commit, without relying on the application developers to file bugs. if using closed source service is okay.

If you want to coordinate this effort, you can use the gtk-devel-list
mailing list, and possibly join IRC to talk with the GTK developers
and the system administrators, in order to get a CI build
going on the servers.

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