Re: Can't read stdout of bash with GSubprocess on MSYS2

On 28.09.2015 22:07, Earnie wrote:
On 9/27/2015 10:01 PM, Gang Chen wrote:
I'm writing a GTK+ application with MINGW-W64, which spawns a subprocess
running bash to execute some commands with GSubprocess and reads stdout
of bash (installed from MSYS2). I found that if compiled without
"-mwindows" compilation option the main process can read the stdout,
while with "-mwindows", the read function always returns 0 bytes read.
If the main process runs a normal console program, or like
"mingw32/bin/gcc.exe", then it can read stdout even if compiled with
The -mwindows option tells the compiler to not include the code to use
CONSOLE code such that stdin, stdout and stderr are not open.  Knowing
this what you describe makes sense.
Not exactly. The fact that the parent process lacks a console (and thus has
no stdin, stdout or stderr) should not prevent it from spawning a child
process that has stdout and/or stderr set to pipes. If it does prevent that
(which is yet to be seen), i'd say it's a bug. Also note that behaviour
changes depending on what the child process (a console application in
either case) does.

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