Re: [gtk-osx-devel] Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::Window, int, int, int, int) on Mac LION

in .jhbuildrc-custom seems to do the trick if one puts --autogen --clean on the build line. Or one can wipe out the source directory and let jhbuild reload it and run autogen etc with the new environment variable. My error was setting CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in my local environment rather than putting them in .jhbuildrc-custom (seems pretty obvious now!).
I will post again when/if I am finally able to get the debugger to step 
into the gtkmm library.

On 12-07-11 07:07 PM, Richard Procter wrote:
(or place a call to setup_debug() instead of setup_release() in your .jhbuildrc-custom file)

 From the .jhbuildrc:

# Call either setup_debug or setup_release in your .jhbuildrc-custom
# or other customization file to get the compilation flags.
def setup_debug():
     global autogenargs
# The enable-debug option generally turns on ASSERTS, which can slow
# down code and in the case of WebKit, breaks it on OSX because of
# threading problems. It's better to set it for individual packages
# with append_autogenargs().

#    autogenargs = autogenargs + " --enable-debug=yes"

# Gtk+ crashes in gdk_window_quartz_raise() -- in a call to [NSWindow
# orderFront:] if gcc is passed -O0 for 64-bit compilation. The old
# stabs+ debug format also doesn't work. See Snow Leopard in the Wiki
# for more information about debugging.
     environ_prepend('CFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")
     environ_prepend('CXXFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")
     environ_prepend('OBJCFLAGS', "-O0 -ggdb3")

def setup_release():
     environ_prepend('CFLAGS', "-O2")
     environ_prepend('CXXFLAGS', "-O2")
     environ_prepend('OBJCFLAGS', "-O2")


On 12/07/2012, at 1:34 PM, Richard Procter wrote:


On 12/07/2012, at 9:39 AM, JIm Charlton wrote:
How exactly do I compile gtkmm, gdk-pixbuf and glibmm with debugging support?  Seems like it should be simple but no matter where I put the -ggdb flag, the Makefile seems to ignore it.
$ CFLAGS="-ggdb" ./configure

should do the trick (at least, for gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0, which I've just tried on my system here under a jhbuild shell).


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