Re: [gtk-osx-devel] [PATCH 3/3] Moduleset-stable: fixing the repository link of cups module

On May 11, 2015, at 10:21 AM, Philip Chimento <philip chimento gmail com> wrote:

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 7:18 AM, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

On May 11, 2015, at 1:50 AM, Kirill Moizik <kirill daynix com> wrote:

Hi John,
I sent it here
I am a little bit confused about all this different projects

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 6:59 PM, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

On May 10, 2015, at 1:43 AM, Kirill Moizik <kirill daynix com> wrote:

Thanks for your reply John,
i sent pull request with the fix,
please review it
Thanks in advance,
Please remember to copy the list on all replies, using “reply all”.

I don’t see any PRs on Where did you send it?
Please remember to CC the list on all replies.

Huh, I’d forgotten about that repo. Not a good choice for PRs because I don’t get notifications about them, 
either by mail or on my dashboard. Better to use my repo.

The structure is a bit weird because of the history of gtk-osx. When Richard Hult started it he created it 
separately from Gnome, and for a long time the Gnome folks were passively to aggressively hostile about 
building on anything other than Linux. That changed a few years ago when some of them discovered Macs, and 
I was invited to move the projects to Gnome and given push privs there. But doesn’t have any 
way to handle PRs, so I kept my Github repos open and push everything to both Gnome and Github.

The Gnome Github mirrors are just pushes from, run by a commit hook. There’s a FAQ about them 
at, the first of which says that PRs aren’t accepted. We’ll see if 
anyone notices yours and my comment on it.

There's a thread from just a few days ago on desktop-devel-list [1] about changing to a system where it's 
the maintainer's choice whether to accept pull requests or not; so I guess it's up to you, John.

If you want to get notified about pull requests in the Gnome mirror as well, you can "watch" the repo with 
the button at the upper right.

Wow, I read that thread completely differently. Colin likes PRs and Bastien and Emmanuelle hate them, though 
Emmanuelle grudgingly accepts that they’re better for big change sets like yours yesterday. I didn’t see 
anything that suggested TPTB were going to make it possible to handle PRs. 

Note that even if I did have a “merge” button on that repo it would only break the repo because subsequent 
mirroring pushes from would fail for not being a fast-forward. I’ve “watched” all of my repos 
so that I’ll get notified about random PRs that turn up, thanks for suggesting that.

John Ralls

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