Re: GTK OSX patch: tango icons theme dpeends on intltool

On 2011-06-18 18:03, John Ralls wrote:
On Jun 18, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

Hi John,

My first patch to the modulesets.  I found that the tango-icon-theme depended on intltool, or at least a newer one that is already setup in the modules.

Thanks for the patch but please use the mailing list instead of emailing me directly.

Since intltool is built as part of meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap, so I don't understand what problem this solves.

Patches are best submitted via the bug tracker, Yes, you have to sign in to Sourceforge to use it, but it helps me not lose track of your patch. A moduleset patch should patch all three modulesets, not just stable (unless it's patching bootstrap.modules, which is only in modulesets-stable).
My bad.  Seems I hadn't rebuilt meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap in a while.


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