[gtk-osx-users] [Gtk-osx-users] jhbuild for GTK2 fails on intltool (XML::Parser missing)

I am trying to rebuild latest stable version of GTK2.x, my setup is:

-   OSX version 10.7.5
-   XCode 4.2 (gcc 4.2.1)
-   using modulesets-stable
-   Relevant parts of .jhbuildrc-custom file:
        setup_sdk(target="10.6", sdk_version="10.6", architectures=["i386"])
        os.environ["ARCHFLAGS"] = "-arch x86_64 -arch i386"
 -  Relevant parts of my build procedure:
        jhbuild bootstrap --skip=libiconv
        jhbuild build python
        alias jhbuild="PATH=gtk-prefix/bin:$PATH jhbuild"
        jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap
        jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
        jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-themes

Problem is that when doing bootstrap step, it won't build intltool because of this configure issue:

checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
*** Error during phase configure of intltool: ########## Error running ./configure --prefix /Users/helix/gtk/inst --libdir '/Users/helix/gtk/inst/lib'    *** [19/20]

I've tried fixing this in shell by installing the module manually with: "sudo cpan -i XML::Parser"
and got this error: "one dependency not OK (LWP::UserAgent); additionally test harness failed"
Next I've tried forced installation: "sudo cpan -f -i -T XML::Parser" and it succeed, but jhbuild won't pick up the module anyway.
"perl --version" gives version 5.16.3.

Looking at the official building page: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GTK%2B/OSX/Building
it says that exporting ARCHFLAGS should fix the issue with XML::Parser, but this doesn't seem to be case here.
Note that I tried this with both XCode 4.1 and now with XCode 4.2 but I see no difference between those, same error.

Any tips to get this resolved?


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