Re: [gtk-osx-users] New build system.

Le 10 avr. 2019 à 01:27, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

On Apr 6, 2019, at 1:24 PM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:

Those folders were created by the script, I changed (also in pull request):
-        eval "mkdir -p $_varname"
+        mkdir -p "${!_varname}"

I run again the script and I was surprised to see additional installations.
It depends if you add python 3 path in PATH.
With only one run, the installation seems incomplete.

See attached log file.

The log file looks right. Did you have trouble running jhbuild?

I reworked a bunch of things in including a complete rethink on envvar()'s variable 
quoting. The way I'd written it before didn't work if there were spaces in the path, the new way does.

I'm still having trouble with the pyenv automatic installation getting recognized, but you've avoided that 
by having a Python3 installation already from which it just makes a virtenv and moves on.
Hello John,

I haven't run yet jhbuild cause of some additional fixes:
- Fix some $HOME references.
- Fix test for .jhbuildrc file.
See last 2 commits of

Having also some questions:
- is $HOME mandatory for PIP_CONFIG_DIR (line 48)?
- is $HOME mandatory for .jhbuildrc and .jhbuildrc-custom (lines 214, 219)?

For some reasons, I want to install all gtkosx stuff including building tools on an external volume (not on 
my home volume). But .local and jhbuild folders are yet created in my $HOME.
How to do it properly?

Thanks, Pascal.

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