Re: [gtk-osx-users] Errors during execution.

Hello John,

Le 27 janv. 2020 à 01:30, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> a écrit :

On Jan 26, 2020, at 11:47 AM, Pascal <p p14 orange fr> wrote:


I've gone further giving a try to gtk-mac-bundler.
I've configured my first GTK bundle app :-)

But I've got some errors with
The domain/default pair of (.GlobalPreferences, AppleCollationOrder) does not exist

/opt/ line 99: test: too many arguments

/opt/ line 111: test: too many arguments
/opt/ line 115: test: too many arguments
/opt/ line 120: test: ==: unary operator expected

find: /share/locale: No such file or directory

Is there some env var settings missing?
The AppleCollationOrder error is OK, it's just checking that in case LANG didn't get set.

Do you use something other than bash as your shell?
Zsh is the default shell of Catalina.
But the script begins by:

Is $LANG set in the environment?

What does `defaults read -g AppleLocale` return?

Line 123 should be
 LOC=`find $bundle_share/locale -name $LANG???`
Line is:
        LOC=`find $PREFIX/share/locale -name $LANG???`
bundle_share is not set in the script, it is bundle_data.
I've changed for:
        LOC=`find $bundle_data/locale -name $LANG???`
No more error find error.

HTH, Pascal.

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