In preceding messages, I had problems using the Gtk::HTML widget. Actually, problems (segmentation fault) occured when I wanted to show the $html widget. I've downloaded the source of the package and found a way to proceed by inspecting the provided example. It thus seems necessary to put the $html widget into a Gtk::ScrolledWindow and the order used to embed widgets in each other and also to show them seems critical (bug in Gtk::HTML ???). The attached testcase summarizes the way I proceed. It should work. It, at least work, for me, for the moment. Regards, Max
Description: Binary data
-- *********************************************** Latevi Max LAWSON DAKU Departement de chimie physique Laboratoire de photophysique et photochimie des composes de metaux de transition Universite de Geneve -- Sciences II 30, quai Ernest-Ansermet CH-1211 Geneve 4 Switzerland Tel: (41) 22/702 6548 ++ Fax: (41) 22/702 6103 ***********************************************