ItemFactory Callback

Hi !

Does anybody know how to specify parameters for a callback function using
the ItemFactory structure ???

The "action" key in the GtkItemFactoryEntry structure seem to send a number
to my callback function but i don`t know how to get my parameters back from
that number :-(

my @menu_items = ( { path     => '/_File',
                     type     => '<Branch>' },
                   { path        => '/File/_New',
                     accelerator => '<control>N',
                     callback    => \&print_hello,
                         action      => ['test']},

# basic callback
sub print_hello
    my $widget = shift;
    my $string = shift;
        print $string;
        print "Hello World!\n";

The print_hello() function print me a number like `135147124` instead of the
array ref that i was expecting :-(

Can somebody help me ???

/<><><><><><><><><><><> Jonathan Pelletier <><><><><><><><><><><><>\
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