Re: gtk2-perl / releasing a first public beta

Goran Thyni <goran kirra net> writes:

I rechecked the release plan (OK, I wrote it, but you haven't
updated it :-)
Well I don't much like release plans in general :), because
people's time, motivation or even aims may vary.. adding the fact
that it's very hard to predict the time needed to finish off
computer projects (at least for me).

Should we do an alpha first and freeze the interface.
In the plan Beta means feature freeze for 1.0.

I think 
* the tests must be more easily usable, like a
  make test that really tests more functionality.
* you (we) should think through what criteria we
  have for releasing a 1.0
* all known bugs should be fixed (I think idle is broken)
Well, in my mind, the aim of a first beta release (call it alpha
if you feel more comfortable with ;p) was to attract some users
so that we may take better decisions for the continuation of the
project - which is pretty different from freezing an interface
for an 1.0 release.
Should I start preparing a release?
We should as suggested defintly put it
on CPAN if we call it an alpha or beta release.
If you would be so kind to handle the release, it would be great!

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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