RE: Linking button handler to data structure

Following is an example of what I've done.. I have a module that
basically ties a hash (ok, tied scalars) for a configuration system.
This is stripped out of a larger module I'm building. A sample also
follows: (written from memory.. not tested..) Getting the value then
is as easy as de-referencing "$config->{'Item1'}" or
'print Dumper $config'.

Hope this helps,
SMF 8)

Shawn Ferris
Senior DBA
Time Warner Telecom

--- Sample script

use Data::Dumper;

use Gtk;
use GUI::Config;


my $w=Gtk::Window->new;

my $hbox=Gtk::HBox->new();

my $config=GUI::Config->new;


my $button=Gtk::Button->new_with_label('Dump Config');
   $button->signal_connect('button_press_event' => sub {
       my($button,$config)= _;
       print Dumper $config;


------- Module below
package GUI::Config;

use strict;
use Gtk;

use Data::Dumper;

sub new {
  my($class)= _;

  my $self={};

  bless $self, ref $class || $class;

sub new_check_button {
  my($self,$option)= _;

  my $button=Gtk::CheckButton->new_with_label(ucfirst $option);

  my $scalar;
  tie $scalar, 'CBTie', $button;




package CBTie;

  my($class,$widget)= _;

  my $self={
     'widget' => $widget,
  bless $self, ref $class || $class;

sub FETCH {
  my($self)= _;

sub STORE {
  my($self,$value)= _;


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:18:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj wps com>
To: gtk-perl-list gnome org
Subject: Linking button handler to data structure

I'm an experienced programmer having trouble with my first real
Gtk/Perl program.

I've built a scrollable list of CheckButtons, each with the name
of some datum from an external source:

      [ ] Item1
      [ ] Item2
      [ ] ItemN

I want all buttons to have the same handler, and to determine
which button was click by having the handler get the label text,
eg. "Item1" ... "ItemN".

I'm stumped -- how do I reference the Label text that I know is
attached with the CheckButton widget here?

Any hints appreciated.

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