Re: iconize a window

Is there a way to minimize a window with perl ?
(my wm doesn't allow this).
Le 04-Feb-2002, Pavel Rousnak a écrit : 
I don't know how to do this with Perl.
I had the problem like this and didn't find anything better than
low-level Xlib function XIconifyWindow:
    private = (GdkWindowPrivate*)widget->window;
    if (!private->destroyed)
        XIconifyWindow(private->xdisplay, private->xwindow, 0);

Le 03-Feb-2002, m96 a écrit : 
it's not a real perl thing and also i don't know how good the perl
implementation of gnome is... anyway...

as far as i know you can do this if the window manager is gnome
compilant and if your program uses gnome libs. i guess the c function
for it was gnome_win_hints_set_state(). and should be on the gnome docs
under "gnome user interface lib....".

like i told i'm not sure if it works with perl but hope it helps you a
little bit to the right direction....
Thanks both of you, but I'm not a C programmer, I just know PERL a little...
So... it seems I have to ask icewm developers to support that ;-)

Thanks !

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