Re: Re2: About i18n in glade2perl

Hi Vladimir,

"Vladimir V. Markevich" wrote:
Past a week work, I find some ugly issue, here the patch
[...patch snipped...]
As you can see, I just replace join function, with char by char concatinate
cycles. It's slower than join, but it working! :)
Any suggestion about, so strange Perl behaviour?
Did you find anything else about this problem with join() in perl 5.6.1? 
I guess that newer versions have fixed join() but perhaps we should
report this as a bug.

Regards, Dermot

PS I have just uploaded perl module Glade-Perl-0.60.tar.gz to CPAN 

but please use your local mirror 

Until it is mirrored around the world, tarballs and RPMs are available 
on the Glade-Perl website.

I would appreciate any comments about I18N in the new version.

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