Re: [xs] notebook problem

I think there is a need for Gtk2::Perlish.  Gtk2::Perlish would do things
like the previous suggestion.  It would be written in pure Perl and would
ride on top of Gtk2, like DBIx::Simple rides on top of DBI. This would let
the bindings stay simple, the C people use the interface they are used to,
and the Perl people use a slightly more friendly version.

What do you think?

obviously there's nothing stopping people from doing such things. personally i
would prefer to have a complete (or reasonably so) c->perl mapping and then
consider the possiblility of such extensions. i wouldn't vote against putting
such things in the main modules where it's safe to do so. i would even be
willing to work on them, once everything else gets to some
stable/robust/full-featured point.


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