Re: Problems on Gtk2->init

good news/bad news/odd news:
- good news is i got things working on slackware.
- bad news is that it required compiling a perl from scratch with thread
- odd news was that everything except gtk plug/socket worked. (have no clue)

based on this i'm going to say that it's (probably) a problem between
slackware's perl and gtk. as Gtk2-Perl works on just about every other
system out there and everything is getting to the point at which C code is 
called by Gtk2-Perl and called correctly, as far as i can tell. i can't for 
the life of me explain this, and i'm out of ideas. i won't say however that it 
was the threading support that fixed it perhaps there's just something that 
doesn't jive in the perl to begin with and just recompiling perl from source 
would have fixed it.
Reading this I've 'see the light'. I remembered that while 'perl Makefile.PL',
at Gtk2, it throws out this message:

Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '-Wl,--export-dynamic'

"Hm, wait. Export dynamic... That's interesting." So I've tried compiling Gtk2
module without it, again. And tests hanged on Gtk2->init, as before.

OTOH, when I've placed this options on Makefile, tests worked! 

Hmm.. oops, not everything:

t/14.GtkToolbar...........ok 3/23

Freezes here now. But it's much better than before. 

as for why the gtk plug/socket stuff failed after the rebuild i haven't a
clue, but it seems to work on other systems where appropriate. perhaps
another similar problem.

i looked around for a slackware mailing list, on their site, and all that
was menioned was an announcement list that hadn't had anything in 2003 and a
security list that didn't seem appropriate. i was going to ask a mailing
list to see what people more familiar with slackware thought it might be, but
couldn't find one to ask on.
The whole Slackware site it's very unmantained, but Slackware user groups are
good resources of information. Unfortunatelly, I only know GUS-BR, which is
mostly in Portuguese.

at this point i'm pretty much going to drop it. if you want to use Gtk2-Perl
unfortunatly it seems that you'll have to build your own perl (with thread
support.) if someone else wants to investigate further have at it.
As a Slackware user, I'm used to rebuild things. :^)

I've rebuild perl5 at another machine (this one) some time ago (perl 5.8.1-rc3),
but hadn't test it with Gtk2. I tried it, and all tests worked (even Toolbar
that hang'd with 5.8.0).

The good news is that I would rebuild perl anyway at there machines, for speed
and memory footprint[1] reasons. And, also, to enable features.

Well, thanks for the help folks, and long life for Gtk2. :-)

Best regards.

[1] Last time I built perl5 (5.8.1-rc3) using shared libraries i've got an
20kb-sized /usr/bin/perl5. The library ( got 1.2M, but that's shared

Leonardo Trentini Lang AKA tlang inf ufsc br
Ciências da Computação (cco021)
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Usuário GNU/(Linux #217916) -- BNU/SC, Brasil

O único lugar onde o sucesso vem antes do trabalho
é no dicionário. -- Albert Einstein.

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