Re: converting from gtk2-perl to gtk2-perl-xs (work in progress)

"Ross McFarland" <rwmcfa1 neces com> writes:

when i went through and updated the GtkItemFactory to behave more as
expected (mainly concerning callbacks) i renamed all of the
parameters to have the same name as their C counter parts. so where
you have type it should be item_type.  my thinking was that if i
were to guess what the hash member names where i would guess the c
variable names in the api doc. those names are a little more
explicit and thorough in some case, and i liked that. existing code
will need to be modified (very slightly) but new code written by
people new to ItemFactory will be more straightforward and less of a
learning curve will be required.
btw, you were right, the s/type/item_type/ should be added to the
changes list for old gtk2-perl binding users

it was the source of the warnings.

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