Re: ComboBox signals

David Sword said:
Is there a way to get similar functionality without the combobox?

why not something like this:

        ________________  +- Properties -----------+
name:   |______________|  |                        |
rank:   |______________|  |                        |
serial: |______________|  | fill this frame with   |
type:                     | a form that edits the  |
+--------------------+-+  | properties of whatever |
|                    | |  | product type is the    |
|                    | |  | current selection in   |
| ...                | |  | the list on the left   |
| Yellow Frobincator |+|  |                        |
|-Blue Frobnicator---|||  |                        |
| Frobnicator Lite   |||  |                        |
| ...                |+|  |                        |
|                    | |  |                        |
|                    | |  |                        |
|                    | |  |                        |
|                    | |  |                        |
|                    | |  |                        |
+--------------------+-+  +------------------------+

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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