Re: Implementing Gtk2->main in select?

----- Original Message -----
From: Art?ras Šlajus <x11 h2o pieva net>
Date: Friday, November 21, 2003 8:29 am
Subject: Implementing Gtk2->main in select?

  Well I think you get the idea. So how i would add Gtk2->main so 
doesn't stop watching on UDP ($listen) socket?
Just call the select code from a gtk timer:

   sub {
      return 1; # keep on ticking

Put your select code in the my_select_fn(), and it will get called every 1000ms.  Alternativly, you could 
call the select function from the idle-timer, or could use the Glib (or is it Gtk2) event-mongrel socket 

Bruce Alderson <mx warpedvisions org>

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