Re: Gtk2 1.00, Glib 1.00, Gtk2::GladeXML 0.93

Congratulations, you guys have put a lot of work into this and we
appreciate it.

For those of you wanting debs, my system in currently in a state in
which I can't build for unstable (due to some experimental packages I
installed). I suggest you grab the source from SF (which has the debian
directories in the tarballs) and build them yourself. Sometime next week
(going to be gone all weekend, else I'd do it then) I'm going to get my
system back in a build-able state and I'll update my repository then.

hopefully muppet updated debian/changelog correctly ;)


On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 00:05, muppet wrote:
break out the champagne... gtk2-perl, thirteen months and one rewrite 
in the making, has gone stable.

included in the release is the two-line patch needed to compile Gtk2 
against the win32 binaries of gtk+-2.2.4 available from -- those binaries are apparently missing two 
symbols that would be of little use on windows anyway, but i was using 
them because they come in an installer.  i'm not having any luck 
getting valid activestate PPM binary packages; if anybody knows 
anything about that, please contact me.

on the list of outstanding issues for this stable release are 
documentation and subclassing of cell renderers, as well as support for 
future versions of gtk+.  we'll get to those in the coming months.

in related news, the new version of Gtk2::GladeXML incorporates Chas' 
custom widget fixes from last week.  test it, beat it, try to break it, 
and it will reach 1.00 soon as well.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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