Re: Gtk2::TreeView or Gtk2::SimpleList right justify?

muppet said:
never saw a reply to this.  what do you guys think of something like

  sub set_column_alignment {
      my ($self, $index, $alignment) = @_;
      my $column = $self->get_column ($index);
      croak "invalid column index $index" unless defined $column;
      my ($cell) = $column->get_cell_renderers;
      $cell->set (xalign => $alignment);
  sub get_column_alignment {
      my ($self, $index) = @_;
      my $column = $self->get_column ($index);
      croak "invalid column index $index" unless defined $column;
      my ($cell) = $column->get_cell_renderers;
      return $cell->get ('xalign');
looks good to me. we might ought to find someone interested in figuring out
what simple list needs, even if they aren't interested in adding it. there's
lots of similar methods that 'could' be added. i'd prefer to go about it in
some sort of organized way, rather than adding a function or two at a time.
anyone want to step up and investigate what's needed and then either implement
it or report back?

the SimpleTree stuff is progressing. right now i'm having core dump issues
with treemodel and iters/paths that are somewhat unrealted.


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