Re: Gnome2-VFS

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 05:07 PM, Ross McFarland wrote:

possible solutions:
    - modify to buildrequires gtk2-devel
i don't think this is necessary.

- modify Gnome2-VFS and/or Gtk2 so that gtk/gtk.h isn't needed to build Gnome2-VFS.
just VFS.  it doesn't need to include gtk.h.  in fact, i thought we'd 
already fixed that.  :-/

the second case could have larger implications as in the codegen stuff probably shouldn't be part of Gtk2 etc, but i don't know about that.
the problem is that Gtk2::CodeGen special-cases GtkObject, and that 
makes its code inappropriate for going into Glib.
GtkObjects need to be sunk, so gtk2perl_new_gtkobject() always calls 
gperl_new_object() with "own" set to true.  thus, CodeGen needs to know 
to treat GtkObjects differently and there's no way around it.
i suppose we could have an extensible Glib::CodeGen, to which 
Gtk2::CodeGen would add its own types.  then packages like Gnome2::VFS 
could just use Glib::CodeGen directly, and other packages which also 
add "unique" semantics to GObject could be supported quite easily.
on the other hand, i've never committed a code generator to Glib 
because i wasn't happy with the generation techniques of Gtk2::CodeGen. 
 it gets the job done, but it's not as elegant and extensible as it 
could be.  ...not that i really want an xml type spec, but still.

Brian: If i recall correctly, this is the physics department.
Chris: That explains all that gravity.
        -- Family Guy, "The Story on Page One"

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