Re: Possible addition to the links page?

muppet wrote:

do put the application's name in the title of the preferences dialog -- it doesn't have a parent window, and "Preferences" is pretty generic.
if you're still wondering how to get the gui to stay responsive while 
you're fetching updates, you may want to investigate using Gnome2::VFS 
to fetch the feeds instead of LWP.  LWP is blocking, as i recall, but 
Gnome2::VFS plays nicely with the event loop.
Well, it actually seems to be responding fine now that I added:

   Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending;

in a few strategic locations. If I do run into any problems with that, I will try out Gnome2::VFS. I will definitly get to fixing those UI inconsistencies this weekend. Thanks again for the help/suggestions. :)
Lee Aylward

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