Re: what to do about the old cvs modules?

On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 11:01, muppet wrote:
the original inline-based gtk2-perl and gnome2-perl are still in our 
cvs repository, with enticing and prominent names that lure in the 
uninitiated seekers of our code, resulting in the not-infrequent 
questions to the list that get answered with "that's the old stuff, you 
want to use gtk2-perl-xs."

what should we do about this?  cvs delete gnome2-perl and gtk2-perl?  
or should we instead just put an empty file in the toplevel named 

Perhaps you could make a backup of each of them, make that available on
the website for historical purposes, and then delete them from CVS? This
way if anyone did show any interest in them (for who knows what reason)
they could still get the code, but it wouldn't be in CVS misleading

James Curbo <james teyandei net>
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