Re: [OT] mailing list connections...

* muppet <scott asofyet org> [2004-03-24 19:48]:
on the other hand, there are also often posts from people who
are not subscribed, and do not mention that they are not
subscribed, so they don't get list-only replies.
Of course, these people *should* be using decent mailers, and
then it wouldn't be a problem. If f.ex I tell my mutt that a
certain address is mailinglist that I'm not subscribed to, then
it generates a Mail-Followup-To: header that contains both the
list's and my own address. Assuming the clients on the other end
respect F'upto-Headers as they should (mutt does, of course),
this assures that I'll get the replies to a list I'm not
subscribed to.

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