Re: [RFC] Gtk2::SizeRecall - Persistently store and restore widgetsizes

* Jörn Reder <joern zyn de> [2004-05-18 23:36]:
From the namespaces Aristotle suggested in his posting, I'd
vote for Gtk2::Perl, because creating another toplevel
namespace is probably more evil than the two more colons to
type ;)
In principle I'd agree. However, if there's Gtk2:: and
Gtk2::Perl:: then people are bound just to stick things in Gtk2::
instead of stopping to understand the convention and then picking
Gtk2::Perl. If there are modules already shipped along with
Gtk2-Perl that are in the Gtk2Perl:: namespace then I think
people are more likely to respect that convention.

The other reason I don't like my own Gtk2::Perl proposition is
that if we don't want to invent a another TLNS, then the sub-NS
should have some sort of meaningful name, and ::Perl is barely
meaningful at all. Most other names I can think of aren't exactly
beautiful or obvious though,  and I can't help but believe that
they'll only increase the likelihood that people will just pile
things in Gtk2:: without regard for conventions.

(This is mostly derived from seeing how much ill-named stuff gets
uploaded, all the while traffic on module-authors perl org (which
is where naming issues are discussed) is minimal.)

"If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough."

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