Re: Storing data in a TreeIter (custom TreeModel)

* Zach Bean <zb forty2 com>:


actually owns the reference, and the iter holds only a throwaway copy 
of the reference.  you can't really make an iter own anything.  sorry.

Oh, ok.  That makes things ... interesting when the model's data structure
is really a SQL database.  But, no big deal, I can find somewhere to
actually store the data :o)

Rule of thumb: if you want to hold meta-data on a specific row of a
model, always use row references or tree paths. A row reference always
points to a specific row, and it remains valid until the row is removed
from the model; a tree path always points to a specific position inside
the model, independently on what that position holds.

Tree iterators are just what their name implies: short-lived, reusable
objects, useful only in "atomic" operations on a model. You could make
them (more) persistent, but you loose the "iterator" benefits.


Emmanuele Bassi (Zefram)                 [ ]
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