Re: Problems getting the TreeIter data for a custom TreeModel

Torsten Schoenfeld said:
I only really see one possible solution: exporting the conversion
helpers.  [snip]

muppet, what do you think?
i pored over this the other day trying to find a loophole, but it looks like
there's no other way.  the original testcases and examples used to verify the
bindings didn't use iters, so i never noticed the problem before.

i'm not sure whether the converters or simply member accessor/mutators would
be more appropriate.  in either case, it's dangerous, because we have no way
of knowing whether the non-NULL pointer we're about to dereference actually
points to an SV, so it gives me the willies.

i sent zach (offlist) a quick and dirty patch to test out, exporting
inter_from_sv() as Gtk2::TreeIter::to_sv() (not a great name, just a proof of
concept).  did it work?

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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