ANN: Gtk2::Ex::DBI-0.5

Hi all.

I'm pleased to announce the 5th release of Gtk2::Ex::DBI ...

Gtk2::Ex::DBI is a helper object that makes your gtk2-perl apps data aware.
Changes in this release:

- Formatting changes in sourcecode. I bought myself a copy of Komodo, and decided to reformat everything to look good in there. Appologies if this has the opposite effect for everyone else.
- Removed attempted locking of fields if 'read_only' is set.

- Fixed support for Gtk2::TextView

- Added support for DBI's last_insert_id() method. This brings us one step closer to supporting DB servers other than MySQL. Still requires some *very* small additions ( eg last_insert_id() on Postgres requires some arguments to be passed ). Volunteers? I don't use Postgres
- Added POD documentation

I'm going to Cambodia for a month on the 24th, so if questions come in after then, don't expect a reply until around Christmas sometime :)

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