Re: Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker - 0.05 is now available !

I edited the Makefile.PL and replaced the /'s with \'s in the
Thank you ! Looks like if I use module-starter (Module::Starter), it
uses \ instead of / since I am on Windows. I've edited the Makefile.PL
manually for now.

WARNING: Setting ABSTRACT via file 'lib/Gtk2/Ex/' failed
 at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/ line 606
Writing Makefile for Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker
Hmmm... Learnt one more thing today. That while writing POD, the
=head1 NAME should contain the name of the module without any markup.
I was using

=head1 NAME

B<Gtk2::Ex::TreeMaker> -  blah blah

and it failed because of the B<> tag.

I've fixed both the issues. Will include in the next release.


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