validating input with editable cells (Re: editable treeview column)

On Jan 11, 2005, at 8:00 PM, muppet wrote:

  # do something useful when the user edits the cell.
  $cell_renderer->signal_connect (edited => sub {
          my ($cell, $text_path, $new_text) = @_;
# could mangle the value here or perform other updates if necessary.
          my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string ($text_path);
          my $iter = $model->get_iter ($path);
          $model->set ($iter, COLUMN_FOO, $new_text);
Incidentally, the "edited" signal is emitted *after* the user has 
finished editing the value and the little popup entry has been closed.  
Therefore, if you want to *validate* the user's input in an editable 
cell, things can get more complicated.
Say the cell is supposed to take IP addresses, of the form 
"###.###.###.###".  You need to allow the user to type numbers and 
dots, and not allow any other characters.  There are a few ways to 
handle this:
1)  Simplest:  set up a normal editable CellRendererText.  In the cell 
renderer's 'edited' handler, validate the input.  If the input is okay, 
apply it.  If not, either a) ignore it; the data in the model will 
remain unchanged, and the editor widget will just disappear, possibly 
aggravating the user who doesn't understand why the program won't take 
his changes, or b) pop up a message box explaining why the input is no 
good.  This will also be annoying, because you can't automatically 
start editing mode again, and if the user is clumsy (like me), he'll 
trigger this message box a lot, which is quite disruptive.
2)  Nicer, but more work:  Create a custom cell renderer, derived from 
Gtk2::CellRendererText, whose only purpose is to override the 
START_EDITING vfunc, to allow you to connect a handler to the 
insert-text signal of the Gtk2::Editable used as the cell editor 
widget.  As seen in Gtk2/examples/, this gives you a 
hook at which to modify the user's input *before* it makes it to the 
screen, e.g., strip invalid characters, avoiding the problems of 
solution 1.  This is easier than it sounds.  You'll still have to put 
up with the user not entering enough dots or too many dots, etc, but 
since you have control over the entry, you can keep it from emitting 
'activate' (which would stop editing) if the input is invalid.
3) Fanciest:  Go whole hog and create a custom IPAddressEntry widget 
which implements the Gtk2::Editable interface, and new cell renderer to 
use that new widget as the editor.  You could still subclass from 
Gtk2::CellRendererText to avoid having to reimplement rendering.  This 
would allow you to use some special widget that shows the dots for you 
while editing and moves to the next field with arrow keys or when 
you've typed enough numbers, like the IP address controls in windows' 
network control panel.  This has all the advantages of option 2 with 
the added benefit of looking really cool and letting your user know 
exactly what's going on.

Creating new CellRenderers really isn't that hard; there are five examples included with Gtk2: -- uses a calendar popdown as the editor -- uses a popup menu; to be superceded
       by the CellRendererCombo in gtk+ 2.6. -- draws a progress bar.  will be superceded
       by the CellRendererProgress in gtk+ 2.6. -- follows the technique of option 2, above,
       to use a SpinButton as the editor for a CellRenderer with only
numerical values. (It does, however, do its own rendering, and is
       more involved that a solution for option 2 needs to be.) -- implements a CellRendererText with a multi-line
       cell editor, using the technique of option 3.

To me, "hajime" means "the man standing opposite you is about to hit you with a stick".
  -- Ian Malpass, speaking of the Japanese word for "the beginning"

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