Re: A little fix for Gtk2::Dialog

On Jul 21, 2005, at 6:21 PM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* muppet <scott asofyet org> [2005-07-21 23:10]:

That's an oversight.  We have our own producct at . Where's the obvious place on to put that link?  "Links"?
In the navigation to the right, I’d say, not burried somewhere on
a page. Gtk2-Perl is, after all, only really of interest to
developers, so the bugtracker link is not to be hidden away in a
developer area, as it would be with projects writing end-user
Alright, then.  Check out the sidebar:  "Report Bugs" => bugzilla.

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  -- Neal, circa 1996, referring to a movie released in 1984.

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