Re: Gnome2-1.0.21 - GnomeIconList fails with glibc error

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 09:18 -0800, Jeff Trefftzs wrote:

t/GnomeIconList..........ok 12/12*** glibc detected *** corrupted
double-linked list: 0x08f9fbd8 ***
Just like muppet said, this is a bug in libgnomeui:

==1669== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
==1669==    at 0x1B900FCA: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:153)
==1669==    by 0x1BE70111: IA__g_free (gmem.c:187)
==1669==    by 0x1CEF33BB: icon_destroy (in /home/torsten/opt/gnome-2.10/lib/
==1669==    by 0x1CEF349A: gnome_icon_list_clear (in 
==1669==    by 0x1CEF3657: gil_destroy (in /home/torsten/opt/gnome-2.10/lib/

I wasn't able to track it down yet.  And I've no idea why that library
has no debugging symbols even though it was compiled with -g.

I think for now your best bet is just to ignore the test failure and
wait for the bug to be fixed.  If you need Gnome2::IconList, consider
Gtk2::IconView instead.


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