Re: could not find signal invocation hint

On Nov 28, 2005, at 1:09 PM, James Muir wrote:

I am trying to subclass a subclass of a Gnome2::Canvas::Group, and I can't get a method to call its parent method. I understand that SUPER:: is not available, but the online documentation baffles me and I'm getting the "could not find signal invocation hint" error. I've tried alot of things without success, even fiddling with the signal param_types. Here is my test case. I've made this case as small as I could get it.

It's not merely that SUPER:: is not available for Glib::Object methods --- you're confusing events, C vfuncs, and normal perl methods.

SUPER *is* available for plain old perl methods. Since you're creating Fruit::ripen as a plain old perl method, overriding it from perl in Orange, and calling it from perl, all of the standard perl tricks are available.

package main;
my $fruit = Gnome2::Canvas::Item->new($canvas->root,'Orange',x=>0, y=>0);

package Fruit;
sub ripen
package Orange;
use Glib::Object::Subclass
 #  Unsure how to fiddle with the signals in this case. ???
      event => \&ripen,

This doesn't do what you think it does. This sets up Orange::ripen() to be called for every emission of Gnome2::Canvas::Item's "event" signal --- however, you're calling $fruit->ripen directly, which is completely different. In that case, there is no signal emission, so there is no invocation hint for signal_chain_from_overridden() to look up to figure out whom to call.

Remove this signal setup.

sub ripen
   my $self = shift(@_);

   my $rect = Gnome2::Canvas::Item->new($self,'Gnome2::Canvas::Rect',
                       x1=>110, y1=>110,
                       x2=>150, y2=>150,

   $self->signal_chain_from_overridden; # Produces the error.

   $self->SUPER::ripen;  # does what you want.

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