Re: Stocks don't seem

* Peter Simon <simon peter gprsec hu> [2005-10-16 21:50]:
I couldn't find any gtkrc file what can turn on this function.
Since you canât find whatâs turning the preferences off, maybe
it would work to could override the setting and turn them back on
explicitly? Ie put something like this in your `~/.gtkrc-2.0`:

   gtk-button-images = 1
   gtk-menu-images = 1
Thank you for listening. :-)

Because I couldn't find the gtkrc file which can affect showing
of stocks, as I wrote above, I had to turn on using your
solution in the program:
Just a note: if you want to distribute this program to other
people, and they have consciously and intentionally turned stock
icons off (because they donât like them or for whatever reason
they may have), then your program overriding their setting will
annoy them. Donât override theme-related preferences in your code
unless you have really, *really* good reason.

*AUTOLOAD=*_=sub{s/(.*)::(.*)/print$2,(",$\/"," ")[defined wantarray]/e;$1};

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