Re: Namespace Registration

On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 09:37 -0500, James Muir wrote:
Hi Everybody,

I've been reading the CPAN FAQ about registering a namespace for a 
widget. I'm developing using gtk2-perl, so I thought I'd check with you 
about a suitable name for it. The widget draws a mindmap (or outline) on 
a Gnome2::Canvas.

There's a picture at:
Cool project.  I agree with Ross that your name is sensible.

One thing from your todo list:

| SVG support when new version if Gnome2::Canvas appears

libgnomecanvas, and therefore Gnome2::Canvas, is in maintenance-only
mode.  It doesn't appear likely that any new stuff will be added any
time soon.  Some people are working on replacements, most of them based
on cairo.  See the bottom of


In the meantime, you can use Gnome2::Rsvg to turn SVGs into
Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbufs which should be usable by Gnome2::Canvas.

This is my first perl module, so I'm not at all familiar with the 
protocol for doing this.  Should I next contact the CPAN to register 
this namespace?
The PAUSE site

lists most of the "rules".


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