Re: deprecated method , Gtk2-Perl vs GTK documentation

Hi ,

En ce jour du Mon, 5 Jun 2006 14:42:13 -0400 (EDT),
"muppet" <scott asofyet org> parlait ainsi :
Can i trust what is said in the native GTK documentation or does the
Gtk2-Perl team make choices of its own that can induce slight differences
leading the C documentation and the Perl documentation not 100%
compatible ?
Trust the C docs.  They are the canonical reference.
Clear and definite answer . Perfect .

More precisely now , what about the Gtk2::Toolbar ?
To add item , only the insert() method is not tagged as deprecated , is
this valid ?
Here, the reason all of the other methods are deprecated is that they
implement the Old Toolbar API, which uses plain old GtkWidgets.  The insert()
method is for the New Toolbar API, which uses GtkToolItems.  We cannot remove
the old methods without breaking old code, so we just leave them alone.
Ok , that's clear too .

But i have a question that's tricky to ask : i don't want to sound
demanding , i am just wondering why the online documentation is not up to
date .

Once i read your mail , i tried a 'man Gtk2::ToolItem' and it delivered
information . The documentation seems up to date , why the online one is
not ? It doesn't help :)

Cheers (and thanks for everything else) .

David 'lacravate'
lacravate mongueurs net
tresorier mongueurs net

Perl en France

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