Re: Correct use of pixbuf, pixmap, and image?

muppet wrote:

Ari Jolma wrote:
looking at process info, it seems that X is piling up memory, the code
   $self->{pixmap} = $self->{pixbuf}->render_pixmap_and_mask;
I've still seem to have a problem with this. I did a bit of research and 
it seems that GtkImage's set_from_pixmap increases the ref_count of the 
pixmap, thus the pixmap ends up with two ref_count two (I build NOISY 
Glib to confirm this) and thus X does not free its memory.
Is there a way to unset the pixmap from the image or force the 
destroying of the pixmap? Recreating the image at this point in code 
does not work right away.

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