Re: Space Bar Issue

Le jeudi 18 mai 2006 Ã 11:50 -0700, developer a Ãcrit :
Hi List,

On the app I am making, when I press the space bar,
it is treated as a left mouse click on any one of
the gtk2 buttons on the screen at the time, and
even a click on a gtk2 button that used to be on
the screen.
That's the customary behaviour of all the GTK apps I know:
one can simulate a click on the button who has the focus
by hitting the space bar.

It seems to me, as a user, very convenient.
For example, in Easytag, after each textbox,
there is a button labelled
"tag all selected files with that tag"
It's more simple to press [tab] then the spacebar
than to go take the mouse and click.
(my 0.02 â)

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