Re: Setting a RadioItem created with ItemFactory

On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 21:44 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:

Ah. Didn't know that. I'll add switching to the UIManager to the to do
list. Is there any chance of getting this added to the POD? The same
applies to FileChooser and FileSelector and I'm sure others too.
hmm.  we should really add a marker in the apidoc generator for
deprecated objects.
which is what I just did: now, a deprecated module should add:

  =for deprecated_for Foo::Bar

and the autogenerated api documentation should have a nice deprecation
warning telling you what you need to look at.  alas, migration guides
still need to be written by hand, but at least you should have an idea
where to look.

the first patch implements the marker; the second adds it to the
deprecated widgets:

  Gtk2::Combo, deprecated for Gtk2::ComboBox
  Gtk2::FileSelection, deprecated for Gtk2::FileChooserDialog
  Gtk2::ItemFactory, deprecated for Gtk2::UIManager
  Gtk2::OptionMenu, deprecated for Gtk2::ComboBox

the first patch also adds a __deprecated__ marker for functions and
methods, working like the __hidden__ and __gerror__ markers; it'll add a
deprecation warning on single functions and methods.

if nobody has objections or suggestions, I'll commit them both.


Emmanuele Bassi,  E: ebassi gmail com

Attachment: glib-apidoc-deprecated-for.diff
Description: Text Data

Attachment: gtk2-add-deprecation-warnings.diff
Description: Text Data

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