Re: API for gtk_settings_set_long_property

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 13:56 +0200, Tian wrote:

Thanks to Colin Leroy, one of the Claws Mail's developers, I know how they do
in this application. They use AccelMap and a few tests show me it should be OK 
ith that. But they also use gtk_settings_set_long_property to change the value
for gtk-can-change-accels.
Nothing from the GtkSettings API is currently bound, mostly because it's
rather binding-unfriendly but also because there did not seem to be much

So I'd like to know how we could do that also in Perl. I didn't find a
corresponding method in the Gtk2-Perl API. Is this something that is missing
or are there other ways to achieve the same goal?
For some reason I can't get accelerator overriding working at all, so I
can't test.  But something like this should work:

gtk-can-change-accels = 1


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