Re: Buttons on title bar?

John McDermott wrote:
On my linux system I have two desktops. When I right-click on the title
bar I get a menu (from the window manager). When the window is on the left
of the two desktops one of the menu items is "Move to Workspace Right" (it
is similar for the other desktop). I use this feature a lot. That makes me
want to have a little button on the title bar with an L or an R. I *know*
this is a wm function. Is there some way for a perl-gtk app to ask the WM
to put a botton the title bar or to add to that menu *for the particular
app only*. I really don't want to have to modify a theme or some other
file as I want this app to be very user-friendly.

I haven't found any examples in the gtk-perl examples, nor has google been
much help. I would think it would fall into the category of wm hints that
I'd have to access through xlib, but I cannot find it searching for that
either. Any ideas?
I have not heard of any standardized window manager hints along these lines. 
It would require support from each window manager, because unlike Windows, X
doesn't let you know when the decorations for your window are being drawn.

Have a look at the Window Navigator Construction Kit; this may help you get
custom support for this into your application.  (E.g., buttons or hotkeys in
your app rather than in the window decorations.)

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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