Re: changing label in a gtk2 stock item

On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:45:12 -0500
muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:

On Jan 26, 2008, at 10:39 AM, zentara wrote:

Someone asked this on perlmonks, and I thought it would be easy.....
but not. :-)

They want to change just the Label of a button from stock_id.
Would you mind linking to the original post for some context?  I'd  
really like to know *why* you'd want to change the label of a stock  
item, since it's generally a bad thing to do.  (E.g., you hose  
translations and other uses in code you didn't write, etc, etc.)

On the other hand, if all you mean is that you want to create a new  
stock item that differs from an existing one by only the label and id,  
then that's another thing.

Or, if you mean that you want to change the label on a button that has  
already been created from a stock id, that one's easy --- $button- 
set_label ($new_string);.  If you want to change the text but not  
the image, then you're back to the warnings above about translations,  
and the extra need to dig through the widget tree with crazy code like  

      sub find_and_set_label_in {
              my ($widget, $text) = @_;
              print "@_\n";
              if ($widget->isa (Gtk2::Container::)) {
                      $widget->foreach (sub { find_and_set_label_in ($_[0], $text); });
              } elsif ($widget->isa (Gtk2::Label::)) {
                      $widget->set_text ($text);
      find_and_set_label_in ($button->child, "Something");

So, info needed.

Hi, thanks for responding. What I think the question was meant to be..
"how can I change the label on a stock_id button, while keeping the same icon"?

If I set_label on a stock_id button, the icon disappears.

I know I can find the icon, and use Item::Factory to make a custom
stock_id button, with the icon and a new label.  So the question
is not a problem, other than a curiosity.

As I thought about it, I guess the question is: can you subclass 
a stock_id item, and change it's label?


I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

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