Re: deprecated functions - Gtk2::AboutDialog

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Paul Miller <listmail voltar-confed org> wrote:
On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 03:14:21PM +0200, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
 > > So I guess it is just that there are different versions of Gtk2 on
 > > these platforms.

Just always use set_program_name in Perl code.  The bindings
 > automatically fall back to set_name when gtk+ is too old to have
 > set_program_name.

 This actually doesn't seem to work when your is too old.
It did not work on the version that came with Ubuntu 7.10 either.
So in the end I wrote:

    if ($about->can('set_program_name')) {
        $about->set_program_name($title); # preferred call in newer
versions of Gtk2
    } else {

but doing so for every depecated method is, well I don't know which method are
deprecated when so I will do only when I encounter something like this.


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