With the current cvs the foo.pl below gets an error, type Gtk2::Border is not registered with Glib-Perl at foo.pl line 8. Chasing it down in gdb it looks like Gtk2.xs register.xsh registers Gtk2::Border with gperl_register_boxed, and then the Gtk2::Entry boot code re-registers it. On that second registration the info_by_gtype update frees the boxed_info of the first registration, but the package name string "Gtk2::Border" in that boxed_info is still in use as the key in info_by_package. Changing g_hash_table_insert to g_hash_table_replace to update the key in info_by_package seems to do the trick. The GType of GtkBorder is unchanging, so the info_by_gtype doesn't care between _insert or _replace, if I'm not mistaken. Is GtkEntry.xs meant to register Gtk2::Border, or can it be left to register.xsh?
Description: Text Data
Description: Text Data